Re: federated client released

> Maybe take a lead from the Graph Store HTTP Protocol method of indirect graph
> identification:

Thanks, that's a relevant pointer indeed.

> Just wondering out loud, but how would you go about making the request to list
> all the graph names to such a quads interface?

Yeah, I kind of messed up there.
DISTINCT is not part of the TPF interface; it would be more for patterns like
    GRAPH ?g { ?x a foaf:Person }
i.e., which graphs contain people?

> But I would guess this would return all statements that are in a named graph
> (rather than the list of graphs), which potentially could be a lot of data.


DISTINCT would actually be a nice separate interface feature
that servers might decide to offer to clients.



Received on Monday, 29 June 2015 15:35:12 UTC