Re: Submit your Hydra work to WS-REST

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Hi Ruben,

last year's program shows me that my first idea was not appropriate. I
had the idea that we could have sort of a challenge to actually code a
hydra client that can handle two independently created simple hydra
apis to achieve the same thing, all built within one day. An
experiment, not a research paper :)

But now I see from last year that the format is a 30 min. talk. So I
think what I could offer is my experience and lessons learned while
building and using hydra-java.

I'll try to come up with a suitable paper in time. Do I understand
correctly, that a three-page "vision/demo/poster/breaking research"
paper would do for the moment, as long as it outlines the lessons learned?

Best regards,

Am 15.01.2015 um 10:26 schrieb Ruben Verborgh:
> Hi Dietrich,
>> I have never been to that congress and I wonder if it makes
>> sense to have a workshop in the sense of getting some working
>> code.
> Working code is interesting as long as it illustrates a 
> (relatively) novel technique or method. For instance, a paper that 
> reminded me of Hydra, and also is based on “working code”, is this 
> one:
> Pragmatic Hypermedia: Creating a Generic, Self-Inflating API
> Client for Production Use by Pete Gamache 
It is based on code, both the concepts behind it transcend the
> code itself.
> For inspiration in general, do check out last year's papers: 
>> What if I have in mind is to work together one day to solve a 
>> challenge that shows the power of hydra, like "use existing 
>> libraries to implement a client that interoperates with two 
>> different hydra apis/independently implement two simple apis
>> with hydra" for something that is not covered by existing
>> media-types, i.e. not a blog post.
> That seems very relevant!
>> Goal: prove what works well/identify weaknesses.
> And that is *exactly* what we are looking for: lessons learned.
>> Rest Fest has done something similar for alps a while ago.
> Yeah. The main difference is that WS-REST is at a scientific 
> conference; that doesn't mean your paper has to contain formulas
> or anything ;-) it mostly means that we use a more 
> structured/method-driven approach. Browse through last year's
> paper to have an idea.
> Best,
> Ruben

- -- 
Dietrich Schulten
Escalon System-Entwicklung
Bubenhalde 10
74199 Untergruppenbach
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Received on Saturday, 24 January 2015 12:33:13 UTC