Re: Submit your Hydra work to WS-REST

Hi Dietrich,

> I have never been to that congress and I wonder if it makes sense to have a workshop in the sense of getting some working code.

Working code is interesting as long as it illustrates a (relatively) novel technique or method.
For instance, a paper that reminded me of Hydra, and also is based on “working code”, is this one:

Pragmatic Hypermedia: Creating a Generic, Self-Inflating API Client for Production Use by Pete Gamache

It is based on code, both the concepts behind it transcend the code itself.

For inspiration in general, do check out last year's papers:

> What if I have in mind is to work together one day to solve a challenge that shows the power of hydra, like "use existing libraries to implement a client that interoperates with two different hydra apis/independently implement two simple apis with hydra" for something that is not covered by existing media-types, i.e. not a blog post.

That seems very relevant!

> Goal: prove what works well/identify weaknesses.

And that is *exactly* what we are looking for: lessons learned.

> Rest Fest has done something similar for alps a while ago.

Yeah. The main difference is that WS-REST is at a scientific conference;
that doesn't mean your paper has to contain formulas or anything ;-)
it mostly means that we use a more structured/method-driven approach.
Browse through last year's paper to have an idea.



Received on Thursday, 15 January 2015 09:27:25 UTC