Re: Relating hydra:Classes to hydra:IriTemplates

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Markus Lanthaler
<> wrote:
>> it would be more useful if Hydra
>> specification had a few examples of entry points, so that the readers
>> can see the "entry point classes" being used in fitting context.
> Hmm... I wonder if the spec is the right place to do so. But we can certainly add a couple sentence to make this clearer. Concrete text proposals or even PR requests would be very helpful. At least to have something concrete to discuss and improve.

Since we haven't yet clarified what entry points in Hydra are, I think
it's premature to attempt defining them. I'd like to help with some
concrete wording but, as you've seen, I can barely use Hydra correctly
myself. For now, I think it would be better to limit my contribution
to questions about under-specified features of Hydra.

>> Hydra describes hydra:entrypoint as "a link to main entry point of the
>> Web API", which hints that there's likely a single main entrypoint for
>> an API (i.e., hydra:entrypoint is sort of owl:FunctionalProperty). If
> Perhaps you think a bit too much about this. Take a website at example. How many entry points does it have? Basically every page could act as an entry point as long as you are able to reach *every* other page from it. Does it make for you as a user to memorize multiple entry points? Most of the time it doesn't. Remembering the homepage is typically enough. If you are interested in a certain subsection of the website, however, it might make sense to remember it's URL and use it as your entry point. Similarly, the ApiDocumentation typically will have a single entry point. In some cases, however, it makes sense to give clients multiple entry points so that they can be more efficient (shorter paths to fulfil their goal).

OK. I think that we should first start with describing what Hydra
entry points are (e.g., what links they typically provide) and then
reflect that in the description of their relation to

- Jindřich

Jindřich Mynarz

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 07:35:36 UTC