Re: terminology/necessity of hydra:required

>> You seem to silently assume that people will either give
>> a URI that is an rdf:Property or a blank node that is a SupportedProperty.
>> That assumption is incorrect and leads to unclear modeling.
> Why not resolve the information what it is from the foaf vocab [1].

Exactly my point; there's no other option except doing that.
That's possible, I know. That's not too hard, I know—at at least in most cases.
But this assumes that:
a) the client can dereference the thing (is URL, server up, reachable, still exists, etc.)
b) it can parse the representation (HTML? RDF/XML? Turtle? Or JSON-LD?)
c) it will say rdf:Property or a derived class (such as owl:DataProperty)
d) if it is "derived class", that I can dereference it until I find it is or isn't an rdf:Property (restart from a)

Much easier to model it correctly from the start.

> and_ that it is a
> which clearly indicates that I can't dereference the value?

That doesn't really matter here, right?
Only thing that matters is whether it is an rdf:Property or a hydra:SupportedProperty
(and hopefully, both classes are distinct).

> Otherwise I would expect clients to understand whether a property must be
> be further dereferenced or not from the bare semantics of it.

What are "bare semantics of it"?



Received on Monday, 10 February 2014 16:20:28 UTC