Re: concerns about hydra:mappings

HI Markus,

>> Right now, we cannot say "the label of the foaf:maker".
>> And then again, which maker are we talking about?
>> […]
>> Seems like a basic question that Hydra should be able to answer.
> Hydra is silent on this. It kind of assumes as input a set of key-value
> pairs where the keys are properties and values are scalars (which includes
> IRIs). Nesting etc. doesn't really work in such a case.

I'm afraid we can't be silent on this if we want this to work.
Surely, it's quite a can of worms to open, but we have to;
if left unspec'ed, there's no way for such interactions to happen reliably.

> Do you have a proposal on how to address the issues you outlined? 

There are two issues that need to be solved. The first is serialization, e.g.,

   [] a hydra:IriTemplate ;
       hydra:mappings [ a hydra:IriTemplateMapping ;
               hydra:property foaf:maker ;
               hydra:variable "author" ],

We have to add something like hydra:serialization hydra:IRI,
which would then specify a way of mapping entities into values.
IRIs are not all that interesting; literals are.
Maybe we could just reuse xsd:integer and so on.

The other issue is relating properties to items.
This is something I solve in RESTdesc with quantification;
for that, I had to leave the RDF model, which is not what we want here.

I guess we would somehow need to explain the property path.
Continuing the example, in case the label of that person is necessary,
instead of hydra:property, we'd need to explain where to obtain that label.
Maybe SPIN can help out here? (

Maybe there's an additional third issue:
how whatever properties we send relate to the response we get.

I realize Hydra doesn't aim to solve everything (especially the third), and that's fine.
But passing parameters is a basic thing which we need to get right;
otherwise, correct invocations of parametrized things are not possible.



Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 18:03:51 UTC