RE: More Thoughts on Links and Operation Subclasses

On Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:36 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 2/4/14 9:24 AM, Markus Lanthaler wrote:
> > What I was trying to understand is how the serialization format is
> > to the fact that return type of a hydra:Operation has to be considered
as a
> > hint rather than a contract. Sorry, I still can see it.
> That's the problem.
> Hold the discussion using TURTLE examples, then others will actually
> hone in (much quicker) into the matters at hand.
> What is a *hint* ?

The hydra:returns property of a hydra:Operation is a hint in the sense that
it just describes the most likely response from the server. It is not a
strict contract. Developers have to expect to get other things back and
handle it appropriately by evaluating the response instead of just relying
on the hydra:returns *hint*.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:54:27 UTC