Using Hydra alongside other vocabularies


I'm trying to implement a Hydra API which uses other RDF vocabularies and
I'm having problems figuring out how to write the Hydra API Doc.

Let's say I want to add a DCAT Dataset [1]. The JSON-LD POST payload would
look something like this (a DCAT Dataset has a DC Terms title, amongst
other things):

  "@context": {
    "dct": "",
    "title": "dct:title",
  "title": "I'm a DCAT dataset",

To find out how I would set this up, I looked at the Hydra Console. If I
look at the POST payload to create an Issue in the Hydra Console it looks
like this:

  "@context": {
    "title": ""
  "title": "An issue",

It looks like the Issue payload is created by using the @id of the
SupportedProperty property in the Issue class.

If I've understood things correctly, then I don't know how to create the
above DCAT payload. I don't think I should use the DC Terms title
(dct:title) in the @id of the SupportedProperty in the API Doc - people
would expect be able to follow an @id link and find the definition of
dct:title. In other words I don't think the following would be correct
because the "property" is trying to assume the identity of "dct:title":

"supportedProperty": [
    "property": {
      "@id": "dct:title", // This property isn't the representation of
                               // dct:title so it shouldn't have have this

If the payload isn't created using the SupportedProperty @id, I can't see
where the Issue title RDF property comes from.

Hopefully I've made a simple mistake somewhere. If anyone could put me
right it would be much appreciated. I'm looking forward to trying Hydra on
a broad range of RDF vocabularies so just need to get past these initial
stumbling blocks.




twitter: @data_unity

Received on Friday, 29 August 2014 07:13:51 UTC