making the LDF spec accessible for a broader audience

Dear all,

I was quite impressed by Manu Sporny's explanation
of how they made the JSON-LD spec readable [1].

This inspired me to try the same thing
with the Linked Data Fragments specification [2].
Instead of assuming that people know what “Linked Data”
and ”Linked Data interfaces” are, the spec now starts
by explaining this for a broader technical audience.

What do you think about this?
Is the idea good, or is this unnecessary?
Is the implementation sufficient? Does it help?
Do you see opportunities for improvement?

The changes [3] are currently limited to Section 1,
but I'd like to implement this in the whole document
(and then for the triple pattern fragments spec as well).



[1] (“Decrypt the Cryptic”)

Received on Monday, 4 August 2014 15:31:22 UTC