Re: representing hypermedia controls in RDF

> Note: by saying
>    hydra:Link rdfs:range hydra:Resource .
> you make hydra:Link a rdf:Property

Actually, that makes me wonder whether hydra:Link should not be a subproperty of rdf:Property (instead of an instance),
with the restriction that instances of hydra:Link should have hydra:Resource as rdfs:range.
So hydra:Link should be a class, not an instance.

Then this:
>    :myprop rdf:type hydra:Link.

would be the correct way to enable all the inferences I showed out-of-the-box.

I started thinking that you really mean hydra:Link as a subproperty and hence should define it as such.
This thus means that "hydra:Link rdfs:range hydra:Resource" may not occur.



Received on Monday, 25 November 2013 17:31:52 UTC