- From: Karol Szczepański via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 20:04:41 +0000
- To: public-hydra-logs@w3.org
alien-mcl has just submitted a new pull request for https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications: == Vocabulary extensions == Extended vocabulary with these features: - enable operations for non-RDF resources (new feature) - enable operations for headers (new feature) - enable operations with explicit operation target (API documentation) (resolves #160, obsoletes #154 ) - enable strongly typed collections (API documentation) (resolves #167) - enable client-side initiated pagination (resoles #102) In general, these _imperfect_ attempt to extend the Hydra Core Vocabulary (HCV) should enable the it for some of the uses cases that appeared on various occasions. Feel free to deliberate more, but I hope these will find their way to the final specification. I tried to keep backward compatibility so current implementations using the vocabulary in it's current state won't get broken. Unfortunately, there are some minor changes to some of the elements. I've also added an updated version of the _vocabulary.png_ diagram (including source code). I'll try to provide a proper PR for [Heracles.ts](/HydraCG/Heracles.ts) reference client covering these features ASAP. See https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications/pull/182
Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 20:04:43 UTC