[Specifications] Pull Request: actions with explicit target

elf-pavlik has just submitted a new pull request for https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications:

== actions with explicit target ==
obviously **NOT READY TO MERGE**

This PR serves as starting point for considering actions/operations with **explicit target**, I reuse terms from `schema:` namespace - *schema:potentialAction* & *schema:target* just because they seem to have same purpose and we already use other terms from that namespace.

I would also suggest not to focus on the client pseudo code and update it with Heracles.ts based code as the reference implementation of the client progresses.

As discussed in on of the previous issues, it seems that we have something like:
hydra:operation rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:potentialAction .
hydra:Operation rdfs:subClassOf schema:Action .
so more specific `hydra:operation` implies the target of referenced `hydra:Operation`, while `schema:potentialAction` leaves it to `schema:Action` to make the target explicit via `schema:target`.

See https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications/pull/154

Received on Saturday, 6 January 2018 21:00:32 UTC