tentative virtual meeting time during 2020 W3C TPAC

Hello worldwide Human Services ontologists!

Since the Technical Plenary 2020
<https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/Overview.html> is virtual this year, let's
take advantage of this, and have our first meeting.  I
propose the following date/time: Wednesday, October 21 18:00 UTC/14:00 EDT

Please let me know if this time will work or not for you.

Here are the other TPAC meetings going on:

The Agenda and event link will be posted in this listserv within a month.
Please send me any topics to include.  I plan on adding a discussion of the
human services ontologies catalog/directory that I'm working on.  Thank

Eric Jahn
CTO/Data Architect
Alexandria Consulting LLC
St. Petersburg, Florida

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 12:29:12 UTC