- From: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 08:01:05 +1000
- To: public-humancentricai@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAM1Sok3AyUnHY3bvobj6sm0QbF9KYt0RogxufgXR0_9yQ6_NWA@mail.gmail.com>
Hi All, The process of seeking to establish an ISOC global topic SIG is now going through the vote stage. Here are the recordings of the specific 'pitch' sessions on human centric ai, by myself and luke... October 11 Call (New topics) Me Speaking: https://youtu.be/VgenJKdd9CM October 25 Call (New topics and existing SIGs) Luke Speaking: https://youtu.be/6EtaqvQLhME Whilst I am not sure about this topic proposal being accepted, particularly given the few topics sought to be operated by ISOC and the complexity of this topic specifically, nonetheless I remain hopeful. As was considered when this CG was being established, there are alot of "social factors" alongside "politics" and other stuff that's historically been more in the domain of ISOC than W3C, nonetheless helping to inform w3c work. Additionally, the means to support both widespread inter-jurisdictional engagement & support, alongside the importance of seeking to figure out how to support people seeking to engage in their own private capacities, which is thought particularly important given the subject & it's implications, has been hoped to be advanced via ISOC. Indeed, over many years, first starting the exploration now almost a decade ago... So, the process in effect is a milestone, irrespective of the outcome. If you are not an ISOC member, https://www.internetsociety.org/become-a-member/ Information about chapters is: https://www.internetsociety.org/chapters/ FWIW: I found this list of resources for "Models of Consciousness Conferences", https://www.youtube.com/@models-of-consciousness/videos I know some believe the means to address these sorts of innate implications can be achieved via a 'wallet based' approach, but personally, i think they're wrong... although, wallets have seemingly had an important role with the experiences of persons, throughout history... nonetheless, the means to produce peace infrastructure, human rights supporting infrastructure; and even, figure out both, how to achieve SDGs and perhaps also update international humanitarian law to consider the implications of 'digital transformation', amongst the many things that need to consider circumstances where people end-up with no wallet at all... so, whether it be the notes highlighted by BVK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrTNSmYc7Bk or those highlighted by Paul Werbos; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P0sntvXFm8 I don't think cyber-security or the means to prepare for next-generation systems (ie: quantum artificial super intelligence) can be done effectively, in a human centric manner, via wallets... connected to systems, that generally have massive issues with data-hygiene... but, atm, that's where the money is, and not as many languages as might be best to support souls, are able to be used today, so, idk... I'll follow-up when I hear about the outcome; and thereafter otherwise, I've been doing some work on 'safety protocols' / 'values credentials', with particular regard for circumstances where there is conflict; and deliberations around how to support humanitarian technology related workers & core infrastructure.. as is otherwise also required for disaster recovery & peace infrastructure projects generally, imo. I'll follow-up about that also, once it's further developed. Somehow, ICT & AI Tech needs a 'safe mode'... And, whilst optimistic, it was also my hope that ISOC chapters might be an avenue to provide the internet equivalent of humanitarian services, inter-jurisdictionally, as a foundational support. So, it's now all just up to the status of observers, and related inferences... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYPjXz1MVv0&list=PLCbmz0VSZ_voTpRK9-o5RksERak4kOL40&index=4 Priorities, and all such things. Kind Regards, Timothy Holborn. https://www.humancentricai.org/ FWIW: I have a cold atm, so, will not be doing much work for a few days...
Received on Sunday, 5 November 2023 22:01:48 UTC