Re: Interest in a zoom meeting on safe AGI?

Hi Tiberius,

you asked "Is there something that the community can do in the immediate?"
 and its been on my mind...

Something that may be worth considering, is how to produce an 'open source'
'data collar'; such as a version of;

Whilst there's many use-cases for humans and other living creatures;
indeed, one example I've seen is a man who has a token that he sells to buy
food for street dogs in india...  but perhaps, whilst unsettling, at times
of conflict, it could be usefully important to have some sort of 'tag' for
people who may become a causality and/or require emergency medical care;
and/or, become an alleged refugee, etc...

So - this is not what i want, in-terms of defining 'identity' - as the
identifier must be linked to a back-end database somehow, somewhere;
but...  if there's situations where people have nothing, then what could UN
/ Unicef, etc. do - to seek to ensure some way of supporting the
humanitarian needs of us all...  both those directly impacted, as well as
those who as observers should, i think, hope to do what we can to support
the humanity of others, particularly civilians, etc...

The tag noted above - is likely encoded to a website somewhere.  Dave is
good with IoT (WoT) but moreover, the question is how to make these things
personally controllable somehow, so that there is not a singular entity
that maintains the property registry for humanity; which could have very
negative unintended  implications or intended exploitative purposes &
unwanted opportunities..

The example provided above also relates to various specifics, in-terms of
the materials and the requirements associated with its use.  There are
reports of being
used - which apparently burns through bone.

The mentioned cost of the above example, I think, is far too high...  There
are also production capability considerations, that are then linked with

AND there is an 'open development' for 'humanitarian - 'peace
infrastructure' technology' - public good - series of considerations, that
could be a good test for your peer-production expertise.

finally, whilst the identifier is 'thin client', the data-storage interface
(perhaps even using solid, indeed, that's what i'd probably look to target
as a host platform should works develop) could store all sorts of biometric
identification and other foundationally humanitarian information required,
to seek to minimise harms...

Both peace and war have law...  corruption is different, but there should
be sufficient guides to support consideration about how to forge a solution
that supports law / legal considerations, overall.

I do not have the fabrication capabilities to figure out how to make
something like this - at least - not as easily as others such as yourself,
but i probably could help find other experts who could provide inputs - if
- this concept is considered to be a 'good idea' whilst having some level
of confidence that the risks can be managed.

In future, I think these sorts of things might be helpful also for many
other purposes relating to humans (inc. kids); so, its important that the
moral stature of these works is done correctly.   Another use-case i was
thinking about historically, was to provide something for homeless people,
so they could lock their valuables in a locker (perhaps, the locker can
also charge their phone) whilst they're sleeping, and that they NFC
wristband helps them collect their things, get a meal, and provide
information to police (ie: when they seek to do welfare checks, etc) or
others if required...  Yet, akin to a hammer, it is not the 'thing' that's
problematic, its the way in which it's designed to be used; and how
protections are brought about to, seek to, ensure humanitarian / human
rights considerations are bound to the legitimate use of them, somehow...
(best efforts).

The implication of applying an identifier upon people for purposes relating
to safety due to issues relating to conflict, is not lost on me...  but i
am mindful of the stories i have heard about prominent jewish community
members, who lost their entire family, some learning more only decades
later; whereby, in one example, a picture of a family tree is on the living
room wall, lit with a library lamp; as was obtained, by someone who found
them decades later, the only artifact pertaining to their family left...  a
mindfulness illustration of the realities that arguably only few really
understand...  In other circumstances, I've heard people who were bragging
about how they know where the secret mass graves are from atrocities in
Australia that happened generations ago; whilst I sat there thinking, they
buried the dead in Turkey, years ago..

We have the technical capacities to do alot of things; the question is, how
and what peace infrastructure technology can we produce, and how can we
make it 'human centric'; including ai, which of course also depends upon
verifiable claims, credentials and identifiers...

With respect to these sorts of 'identifier' solutions, I think it's the
outcome that's most important.  if others are interested, more than happy
to hear from anyone who might be interested in seeking to figure out what
might be pragmatically helpful...  carrying either a wallet or a working
phone or smart-watch, may well be too hard for some...

Here is a previous piece of work on 'data collars'; which I think is a good
name for them, as it helps to remind people, not to treat others like

NB also the 'internet of bodies' concept;

Let me know if you think you can make progress in this area and/or if you
(or any other recipient) is interested in seeking to do so..

In future, should the 'human centric ai' systems get developed; then,
humans would in-effect have their own 'knowledge bank' 'vaults' to manage
both their own identifiers & 'things' alongside rules about how they can be
used; but that isn't in place atm...  so, ideally, work would seek to
figure out how to save lives, whilst also, seeking to ensure designs for
human centric ai / human centric information systems - promotion of human
rights, etc. is not disaffected by circumstances where conflicts may seek
to engender limited modalities for the future of human civilisations &
therein, our thoughtware.. etc.

Indeed, I imagine Mastercard and/or GS1 could deliver a solution fairly
quickly; but, I'm concerned about the implications...  meanwhile, it has
been reported that a child is dying every 10 minutes - so, i don't know if
that's accurate or not - regardless..  🙏🌍🕊️☮️

kind regards,

Timothy Holborn.

On Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 01:58, Tiberius Brastaviceanu <> wrote:

> That's something that would gather momentum around the human-centric AI
> initiative, I.e. to address real problems in times of crisis.
> Is there something that the community can do in the immediate?
> Again, the role of this action is two-fold, help people while building
> communities.
> Lots of movements were created when people gathered in response to a
> crisis.
> On Wed., Nov. 1, 2023, 11:44 a.m. Timothy Holborn, <
>> wrote:
>> FYI - - per below...
>> The CG link:
>> A Link to one of Dave Raggett's recent presentations is:
>> Info About DSR:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Dave Raggett <>
>> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 01:07
>> Subject: Interest in a zoom meeting on safe AGI?
>> To: public-cogai <>
>> I would like to gauge the level of potential interest in scheduling a
>> call on safe AGI.  This would be recorded and shared publicly after the
>> event.  Please let me know if you are interested in attending and what your
>> time zone is.
>> p.s. we could make this an open meeting for anyone to join.
>> Many thanks,
>> Dave Raggett <>

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2023 04:18:08 UTC