Re: Join the W3C Human Centric AI Community Group and Help Build a Better Future for All [via Human Centric AI Community Group]

Hi All,

Thankyou for being early foundation members to the group!!

I know that there's a few more who should be arriving soon, and I suspect /
hope that many more will get involved soon; in-effect, I think this stage
is a bit of pre-production, and I welcome your involvement in that

Today, I've been busy working on the post that just went out, and more
broadly otherwise - working on the stuff needed to help with the
'pre-production' requirements for this group's efforts, in so far as I
think might be helpful.

The public link to that post is here:

If there's anything in it that you disagree with, or think could be
amended, let me know.  In the future, I hope to produce some better
publishing work-flow. note that, my works are as a private individual who
has been active in this general area, for many years...  my work is not
funded, other than being funded by me, i am not wealthy, and whilst i hope
my life will positively change when i finally get to the point of
delivering useful products, as a consequences of so many years of work; my
ability to do this work, to promote human rights, has been very hard, with
lots of sacrifices. But overall, i just thought it was important to make
the note, as i do not have an enormous amount of resources, indeed, i have
very little.  But I'm really, very focused on doing good in this area, and
have been for many years.  So, I'm hopeful that these efforts, when
combined with the efforts of others overall, will lead to far better
outcomes for many.  Hopefully, there are very many...  and not just on the
good days, but in particular, in relation to those bad days, where if it
went the wrong way, if the circumstances were different - if our choices
were different, perhaps their lives would end on that day, or that the
consequences would have such an enormous impact, it shapes poorly the rest
of that persons life; when, perhaps via some thoughtful work herein, their
outcomes could be very different, and positive.  whilst the converse being
true for people who are engaged in wrongs that cause serious harm to others
for profit, etc.  therein - i think we need to define 'digital prisons',
and how human rights related considerations apply to prisoners, and
therefore also - persons who are free; which in-turn also, invokes the
requirement to ensure portability of  'human  centric ai' 'pods', or
whatever they're called for persons who are not, issued a 'cell' by a
judge/jury in a court of law, for some crime they did commit, for
instance...  alongside other use-cases, like refugees... but anyhow.

Few considerations thereafter; for now,

1. Community Engagement - Content.

If you are interested, and would like to create some sort of article or
post, perhaps that could be great!  Some ideas about what could be written,
either on the lists - or a submission to create something on the W3C Human
Centric AI CG Groups Blog; that might, illustrates who you are, why you are
here, what your view is of what 'human centric ai' is, what it should mean,
what sorts of qualities, characteristics it should have, what sorts of
features are important,  what sorts of things do you not want, what's the
opposite of what you want, the stuff that might be bad for you, kids,

And perhaps also, why you think others should get involved...!!!!

2. W3C Processes, Knowledge, etc...
I am not sure, who is new to w3c, whether anyone needs any help
understanding how it all works, and/or any other questions...  If you're
not sure, or if you've got a question, please feel welcome to reach out
either directly (off-list) or via the lists, where others might therefore
also be able to help out (and most often do, imo).

3. Introductions
I've written a post previously somewhat introducing myself[1], as is now
updated with the blog post created today;  but it would be great if we got
into the practice of encouraging new members to introduce themselves, their
background, what they're good at, perhaps also other areas that they may
not be so good at but want to learn; or stuff that doesn't really interest
them, but appreciate...

Overall, some sort of practice that for all good intents and purposes,
seeks to encourage new members to introduce themselves, to others, as to
support the initial steps of community engagement, etc.

Therein; two notes,
a. i'm not sure what those questions might best be, it's on my to-do-list,
to add to the draft docs[2] being produced to form some sort of scaffold
for the groups scope - whilst actively reaching out to those involved, and
those who are likely to be involved; but either, haven't sorted it out yet
but intend to, others that may not be aware of it yet; alongside others
still, who can't see what its about or how they could usefully help, for
some outcome - which as it becomes defined, via community efforts, will
lead to other people getting involved, etc...

b. these considerations - apply to you also...  :)  whilst it's not a
requirement, if people want to introduce themselves via the lists,  then i
encourage it...

4.  Email Ontology concept?

I think, this general field of endeavour, has far reaching implications
generally.  As such, there's alot of different topics that might be
processed as part of the scope of how Human Centric AI intersects with
humanity, and through that the discovery of requirements that this group
might add to the 'to-do' list, and then process, etc.

So, what I'm thinking - is perhaps a particular set of words that might be
used in the email subject line - to denote some sort of intended
categorisation term, that can thereby help sort emails & threads.  Whilst
these sorts of considerations now, might not be important immediately, if
we end-up with ALOT of participants (perhaps i'm optimistic, idk); then, it
would likely become useful then.

5.. Human Centric AI - Discord
I was previously working on an interoperability related ecosystems 'thing',
to support moral requirements, that if  i didn't address it may have led to
people getting locked into a platform built with the best of intentions;
and/or, that people who are extreme cases of breaching the values charters
/ agreements, can't be exiled from the platform - as there's nowhere else
for them to take their digital life, alongside many other matters of great
moral importance, to me at least...  Much earlier, the facebook group was
set-up, but getting off topic.  the point is, that i've got

Which in-turn has a discord server - that i'm updating to accommodate this
w3c CGs efforts:

as may otherwise be seen, there's a broader 'top level concept' that i more
formally called a 'peace infrastructure project' - which is about billions
of homes, clean water, knowledge, meaningful capacity to improve our
biosphere; so much, that kinda need the tech, to power how that's then
in-turn able to be done, in the real-world (without cutting down all the
trees, etc.). so, if you see the 'peace infrastructure project' email -
that's what its about, people are welcomed to join it, but its a separate
thing..   Similarly, there's a list of various communities and such, that i
aim to pull together and ensure that people are aware of it, to support
inter-community awareness, etc.  if you've got any you seek to add, let me
(/us) know.

Note: I haven't spent the time required to get a grasp on the tooling for
the group, from memory, part of the official W3C 'stuff' for communities
includes an IRC system, and some other stuff.  I'm not sure if everyone
knows how to use IRC? and i've not settled on what solution will be used
for the group meetings, etc.  W3C Processes are best done in a manner that
supports the ability to gain quorum for meetings, and therefore also -
resolution via votes.

I'll provide an update after I've got a grip on the what / how / options -
for that stuff...   I suspect sub-committees might be a good idea, and WIP
Meeting agenda items; but right now....

Thinking is / IMO: On balance, it seems better to wait until the people
join the group - some are travelling, busy and others have never
participated in W3C works, and don't know anything about it; which is then
complicated further, due to the topic.  So, i hope my 'pre-production
works', over the coming days, will help to respond to some of those issues,
whilst waiting for others to appear after they've been able to address
their own issues; and, thereby also, presented for comment, some ideas
about my thoughts how how, what, etc. once the docs are somewhat ready,
whilst also encouraging others - to make us aware of anything sought to be
added to it and/or that contributions are very much welcomed...

and with that,

6.  Open to the Floor: Any questions???  News??? Burning Ideas???  Issues
that you'd like to work on ASAP???


Timothy Holborn.



Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2023 07:58:32 UTC