CfC to draft the CG report on local HTTPS communication specifications (1st ed)

Dear All,

On behalf of HTTPSLocal co-chairs (they are busy recently), I would like to
inform you of a call for consensus with regard to drafting the new CG
report on "HTTPS Communication over Local Network (1st edition)".

We have spent so long time to discuss use cases, requirements, and
specification proposals derived from them. Although our work has been quite
slow, the draft CG report on "Use Cases and Requirements on HTTPS-enabled
Local Network Servers" [1] is now getting much closer to its completion.
Therefore, I believe that now it's time to start over drafting spec
document as the next step.

As a starting point, Ajitomi-san is preparing a draft of comprehensive spec
proposal [2]. Of course, we anticipate that you may have your own ideas.
Thus, to move ourselves forward, we would like to propose that we adopt
Ajitomi-san's draft as an initial commit, and then solicit you to state
your opinion by submitting comments and PRs on GitHub. Once his draft is
available on our GitHub repository, any comments and proposals are highly

If you have any concerns with this proposal, please let us know by
September 11th (by replying to this email). Please remember that silence
will be regarded as support.

All co-chairs, Igarashi-san and Yoneya-san, and Ajitomi-san will be in
Fukuoka during TPAC. Brief introduction about the draft spec and its
editing process will be provided at the TPAC face-to-face meeting on
Thursday, September 19.

Best regards,
- Tomoyuki


Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2019 14:07:30 UTC