Weekly github digest (HTML specs)

* w3c/html-aam (+2/-1/💬5)
  2 issues created:
  - Question regarding AXTitleUIElement and labelling elements (by sivakusayan)
  - Does `summary` allow `nameFrom:contents`? (by cookiecrook)

  4 issues received 5 new comments:
  - #517 Question regarding AXTitleUIElement and labelling elements (2 by scottaohara, sivakusayan)
  - #515 Does `summary` allow `nameFrom:contents`? (1 by cookiecrook)
  - #512 Question regarding <aside> conditional mapping (1 by joone)
  - #370 Consider: hidden <label> can still name associated form control (1 by adampage)
    https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/370 [accName &amp; Desc] 

  1 issues closed:
  - Does `summary` allow `nameFrom:contents`? https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/515 

* w3c/webcomponents (+3/-1/💬13)
  3 issues created:
  - Allowing for more complex slotted styling by rewriting host rules into global CSS rules (by sirisian)
  - Modify :is() and :where() to support selecting derived node types (by sirisian)
  - A better solution for ElementInternals (by trusktr)

  6 issues received 13 new comments:
  - #1036 A better solution for ElementInternals (2 by trusktr)
  - #1035 DOM parts use outside of <template> seems unlikely (7 by bahrus, iteriani, matthewp, tbondwilkinson)
  - #1029 Proposal: Custom attributes for all elements, enhancements for more complex use cases (1 by trusktr)
  - #962 [element-internals] How to get internals in base class and subclass, without leaking it to public (1 by trusktr)
    https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/962 [custom-elements] [question] 
  - #909 "open-stylable" Shadow Roots (1 by sashafirsov)
  - #758 How to define APIs only for custom element authors (1 by trusktr)
    https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/758 [custom-elements] 

  1 issues closed:
  - A better solution for ElementInternals https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/1036 

* whatwg/html (+7/-7/💬44)
  7 issues created:
  - Tab-restore is somewhat observable but not specified (by noamr)
  - "parse a CSS <color> value" should take into account that currentColor can be nested in color-mix()  (by Loirooriol)
  - How to serialize new CSS color functions in canvas? (by Loirooriol)
  - Orphan nested dedicated worker closing seems buggy (by Kaiido)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9938 [clarification] [topic: workers] 
  - Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 11/30/2023 (by past)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9937 [agenda+] 
  - A popover on top of a modal dialog should be interactable (by benfrain)
  - Cookie API (by kettanaito)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9935 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] 

  22 issues received 44 new comments:
  - #9940 "parse a CSS <color> value" should take into account that currentColor can be nested in color-mix()  (5 by Loirooriol, annevk, nt1m)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9940 [topic: canvas] 
  - #9939 How to serialize new CSS color functions in canvas? (1 by Loirooriol)
  - #9938 Orphan nested dedicated worker closing seems buggy (1 by Kaiido)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9938 [clarification] [topic: workers] 
  - #9936 A popover on top of a modal dialog should be interactable (1 by nt1m)
  - #9935 Cookie API (3 by hwanders, kettanaito)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9935 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] [topic: cookie] 
  - #9929 Enable lazy loading for URLs on use href (2 by domenic, lfre)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9929 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] 
  - #9926 A spoiler element (1 by jimmyfrasche)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9926 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] 
  - #9909 Upcoming HTML standard issue triage meeting on 11/16/2023 (1 by past)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9909 [agenda+] 
  - #9884 autocomplete tokens for EID and IMEI (2 by annevk, beverloo)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9884 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] [topic: forms] 
  - #9879 Third-party cookie blocking and rendering media URLs with Content-Security-Policy (1 by johannhof)
  - #9829 Proposed Element : Transcript (3 by Malvoz, brennanyoung)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9829 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] 
  - #9760 Expose information about last activation/cross-document navigation (3 by domenic, noamr)
  - #9757 Can showPicker() focus a control? (2 by annevk, lukewarlow)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9757 [topic: forms] [topic: focus] 
  - #9702 [View Transition] Event on old Document to set transition state (3 by khushalsagar, noamr, smaug----)
  - #9625 [Proposal] Invoker Buttons - allowing popover/dialog and more to be invoked without JS (5 by lukewarlow, mfreed7, nt1m)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9625 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] [accessibility] [topic: forms] [topic: events] [topic: dialog] [topic: popover] 
  - #9461 Adding support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery to HTML Canvas: a baseline proposal (1 by palemieux)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9461 [topic: canvas] 
  - #8917 Canvas 2D context color serialization (2 by Loirooriol, annevk)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8917 [topic: canvas] 
  - #8867 Add `getInnerHTML()` that optionally serializes declarative Shadow DOM (1 by mfreed7)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8867 [addition/proposal] [topic: shadow] [topic: parser] 
  - #8335 Date picker access in contenteditable elements (1 by saschanaz)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8335 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] 
  - #7578 :active and activating via the keyboard (2 by emilio, mfreed7)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7578 [interop] [topic: style] [agenda+] 
  - #2390 Standardize YouTube embed rewriting? (2 by gregorypappas, zcorpan)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2390 [compat] [topic: media] [interop] [topic: embed and object] 
  - #1766 Add onclose event to MessagePort (1 by asutherland)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1766 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] [topic: events] 

  7 issues closed:
  - Orphan nested dedicated worker closing seems buggy https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9938 [clarification] [topic: workers] 
  - How to serialize new CSS color functions in canvas? https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9939 
  - Upcoming HTML standard issue triage meeting on 11/16/2023 https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9909 [agenda+] 
  - "A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption"..." https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7242 [topic: parser] 
  - Automatically open option list in a `<select>` (`HTMLSelectElement`)  https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7957 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] [topic: forms] 
  - document should not be unloaded during same-document navigation https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9819 [topic: navigation] 
  - Enable lazy loading for URLs on use href https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9929 [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] 

Pull requests
* w3c/html-aam (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - UA ignore aria-hidden on root elements (by scottaohara)

* whatwg/html (+4/-8/💬13)
  4 pull requests submitted:
  - MessagePort API:add a close event (by nononokam)
  - Use scrollMargin for lazy load intersection observer (by tcaptan-cr)
  - Editorial: Export TextTrackMode enum value defs (by marcoscaceres)
  - Export normalized TimeRanges object (by marcoscaceres)

  8 pull requests received 13 new comments:
  - #9932 Use scrollMargin for lazy load intersection observer (1 by tcaptan-cr)
  - #9883 Export TextTrackMode's enum values (1 by marcoscaceres)
  - #9851 Editorial: make shape attributes table consistent (5 by domenic, keithamus)
  - #9850 Editorial: make http-equiv attributes table consistent (1 by keithamus)
  - #9792 Editorial: remove two wrong "(fragment case)" annotations (1 by zcorpan)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9792 [clarification] [topic: parser] 
  - #9771 Add TextTrackCue ctor & cue + cuebackground attributes (1 by marcoscaceres)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9771 [addition/proposal] [topic: media] 
  - #9754 Add showPicker to <select> elements (2 by annevk, lukewarlow)
  - #8972 Add steps to destroy documents that are ineligible for receiving message when posting message through broadcast channel (1 by annevk)
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/8972 [topic: history] [topic: serialize and transfer] 

  8 pull requests merged:
  - Use scrollMargin for lazy load intersection observer
  - Remove unreachable fragment case in "in cell" insertion mode
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9810 [topic: parser] 
  - Editorial: remove two wrong "(fragment case)" annotations
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9792 [clarification] [topic: parser] 
  - Add showPicker to <select> elements
  - Do not unload during same-document history step application
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9904 [topic: navigation] 
  - Change subframe traverse navigate event timing
    https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9922 [normative change] [topic: navigation] 
  - Export normalized TimeRanges object
  - Editorial: Export TextTrackMode enum value defs

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/html-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/html-aria
* https://github.com/w3c/html-extensions
* https://github.com/w3c/htmlwg
* https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents
* https://github.com/whatwg/html
* https://github.com/whatwg/dom

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Received on Monday, 20 November 2023 17:00:21 UTC