Re: ARIA in HTML Draft 20 October 2020


Thanks for your message. For reasons the ARIA in HTML specification is 
not maintained by the W3C HTML WG. It is currently maintained in the 
WebApps WG, and all discussions take place on the ARIA in HTML Github 

If you could open an issue there, one of the editors of ARIA in HTML 
will be able to respond.



On 16/11/2020 14:20, James Yanchak wrote:
> There seems to be a mismatch between the application of ARIA role definitions and HTML5 tagging. Specifically the role “doc-chapter” is defined as "A major thematic section of content in a work.”  The element <body> may receive the attribute epub:type “chapter”  assigning this thematic identifier, however “doc-chapter” is not allowed at that level. Additionally, <article> could serve as a “doc-chapter” since chapters could be considered complete (and be distributed as such), but they cannot carry the identification. Was there a less obvious reason why this mismatch exists?
> James Yanchak

Director @TetraLogical

Received on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 08:23:16 UTC