Re: Agenda: HTML meeting on Tue 20th February

On Mon, 19 Feb 2018 10:45:15 +0100, Léonie Watson <> wrote:

> agenda+ Milestone progress

Milestone progress: Overall, we've closed about 40% - 10 of 26. There are
some big ones here, on both sides of the ledger, and if we get everything  
targeted for this milestone done it will be good progress.

Bruce: 2 open
Chaals: 5 open, 4 closed
Léonie: 2 open
Patricia: 1 open
Sangwhan: 2 open
Scott: 0 open, 2 closed
Shwetank: 2 open
Terence: 2 open, 3 closed
Xiaoqian: 2 open
Other Contributors: 1 closed!

If you see an issue you want to work on, please assign it to yourself and
give it a milestone so others know it is in progress.

A couple of people asked for issues to be assigned to them, so I did. In
one case I assigned Terence and Bruce, hoping that the first to grab it
would unassign the other and get it done. Let me know if that's a good or
bad way to do things.

Thank you all for the progress we're making - keep up the good work!



Chaals is Charles McCathie Nevile
find more at

Received on Monday, 19 February 2018 17:54:20 UTC