Internationalization WG position on email input issues 845 and 538 in HTML 5.2 [I18N-ACTION-638]

Hello Web Platform,

I have been actioned [3] by the Internationalization Working Group in our most recent teleconference [2] (thank you Chaals for attending) with providing a formal statement to HTML on the status of HTML 5.2 issues #845 [0] and #538 [1].

These issues concern support for internationalized email addresses ("EAI") in HTML input fields (<input type="email">). The Internationalization WG does not agree, in general, that the current state of affairs, where support for EAI is limited, is a good one. We have raised and maintained issues against HTML since 5.0 about this and remain concerned that the HTML and browser communities need to address the need for EAI. There are millions of users who have EAI addresses that are potentially impacted.

However, we recognize that the Web Platform group has been actively working on this problem and that implementations are slow to address the full range of problems. Although we are not yet satisfied with the outcome, this note is to notify you that we have resolved that we will NOT formally object to the publication of HTML 5.2.

Best wishes for your pending transition.

Regards (for I18N),


Addison Phillips
Principal SDE, I18N Architect (Amazon)
Chair (W3C I18N WG)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.


Received on Friday, 14 July 2017 22:38:53 UTC