Removing accessKeyLabel

Hey all,

we removed accessKeyLabel from the draft. It only has one implementation,
and there seemed no hurry on the part of others to change that.

Which is a shame, because it is a useful thing. It doesn't solve the
discoverability problem, but it does make it possible for authors to
*help* doing that, in a way that integrates into the flow of their app.

So although it isn't in the spec draft, there is a proposal to clean it up
and add it back, if we can get implementation support and something that
seems like a good idea written up properly.

For now, it is in the Web Platform Incubator:  
where comments and help editing it into shape are welcome.


Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2016 16:59:52 UTC