Re: <details> longer description of <label> screenreader?

On Thu, 10 Dec 2015 20:50:05 +1000, Angie Radtke <>  

> Hi Leonie,
> one understanding problem I have
> Am 10.12.2015 um 11:25 schrieb Léonie Watson:
>> <summary role="group">
>> <details role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">Properties of  
>> a dog</details>
>> <p> Dogs are animals with a lot of fur, four legs and a tail</p>
>> </details>
> I thought summary is a child of details?

yup. As Steve did in the full example he gave, you also need to polyfill  
the widget so it works on browsers that don't implement details/summary  
yet, like Firefox and IE.

I had been thinking along a different line, of wrapping the whole  
details/summary inside the label.

Which runs into the question of what happens when you put an interactive  
element into a label, since the label is itself meant to be an interactive  
element. This is like trying to embed links inside each other, which HTML  
doesn't allow as its way of avoiding that question :)

I'm not sure if it is worth pursuing because of the UI complexity. It  
would make sense for authors, but it might not be feasible to do it so  
users understand what is happening.


> <details role="group">
> <summary  role="button" tabindex="0" id="summary"> Properties of a  
> dog</summary>
> <p aria-expanded="false" id="desc" aria-labelledby="summary"> Dogs are  
> animals with a lot of fur, four legs and a tail</p>
> </details>
> Thanks Angie

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Thursday, 10 December 2015 11:07:27 UTC