Re: Headers Are Confusing in HTML5

On 01.12.15 16:00, Stefan Götz wrote:
> If the header of the body sectioning root is site-specific (which is
> typically the case), you should use a sectioning content element for the
> "page-specific" content on that page (i.e., the main content). That way,
> the header applies to this section instead of the document.
> | <body>
> |   <header> <!-- for the site --> </header>
> |   <article>
> |     <header> <!-- for this article -->  </header>
> |     <section>
> |       <header> <!-- for this section --> </header>
> |     </section>
> |   </article>
> |   <footer> <!-- for the site --> </footer>
> | </body>

Thanks, I see that this can work.

I'll have to take some time to think whether that would actually be a
suitable way to pursue for me, though, because not bothering an author
with unnecessarily explicit markup is at the heart of the idea of
light-weight markup languages. So, asking the author to mark up
articles, sections etc. explicitly is not an option, and the converter
would have to do that. I can let the converter do that taking things
like headings as a hint. But that means programming something that user
agents already do, hence mostly double work and mostly unnecessary
increased complexity of the converter. As the converter does not really
understand the semantics of an authors work, I'll also risk adding some
semantic markup incorrectly. Is that trade-off worth it?

I like that HTML now offers markup for explicit sectioning, but I think
it actually makes only sense when an author of a document adds it
consciously. Having the author's software add it purely automatically
shifts the task of interpreting the document structure from the user
agent to the author's software; it doesn't really improve anything.

I wish HTML5 had introduced a less ambiguous header system with less
side effects [1], e.g. something like <banner> for site specific
information and <heading> for page/section specific information. Looking
over to WHATWG I see that they went a different way with an additional
<hgroup> element with its own inconsistencies, and we have diverging
specs here. To me, it seems clear that something went rather suboptimal
with how elements have been introduced for headers of different kinds.

Please excuse my rambling, I can always use div, so this is not dramatic
for me.


[1] Here's another example for side-effects: says that
<article> would be technically redundant with <main>. But that does not
seem to be true, because <article> is a sectioning element and <main> is
not. Hence a header inside <main> (which is in turn inside <body>) is
handled differently in terms of the accessibility mapping than a header
inside  <main> and <article>, isn't it?

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2015 17:26:51 UTC