Re: [5.1] the menu element and its usage as application menubar

On 20/11/2014 09:08, Pradeep Kumar wrote:

>   I think that nav was included to make menus,can we somehow connect
> existing nav element and menu element and take best of both worlds? I
> think type='popup' can be attributed to nav and nav somehow made nested,
> just an idea ... and I think we are going to specify popup some
> CSS/positioning etc or what..

Seriously, the idea of using <nav> for a menu when we have <menu>
is more than I can bear. Furthermore, a application's menubar is
not, semantically-speaking, about navigation.

I recommend a new type value <menu type="menubar">. Content model for it
is made of <menuitem> and <menu type="popup"> elements.


Received on Thursday, 20 November 2014 15:22:12 UTC