Re: suggestion for tag set <sarcasm> </sarcasm> pair

Fun to watch your interaction, gentlemen. I am in awe.

take care,

On 11/03/2014 04:52 PM, Steve Faulkner wrote:
> On 3 November 2014 12:32, Jukka K. Korpela 
> < <>> wrote:
>     Your techniques do not work in Chrome.
> right, tracked down as a chrome bug. 
>     You can set attributes to HTML elements in JavaScript. Whether
>     such a specific setting is of any help is highly questionable;
>     expressing sarcasm that way is about as enigmatic as it is to
>     express it with leading and trailing Arabic question marks (which
>     is what “؟” really is; the reversed question mark is “⸮”).
> sure, what you get with a custom element, is that the semantics are 
> added for you.
> FYI I Asked a few friends who are screen reader users. they found the 
> info useful.
> Now using the correct reverse question mark, THANKS!
> Besides <sarcasm> is an exercise in suggesting we don't need a native 
> element for everything and if one really wants an element , then it 
> can be done using newer features of the open web platform, if one so 
> desires. Whether it is worthwhile, is in the eyes of the developer, 
> and not constrained by the stated tastes of commentators.
> --
> Regards
> SteveF
> HTML 5.1 <>

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To an engineer, there is no difference between building a gas chamber connected to a crematorium and building a hospital connected to an apartment building.
To a poet, there is.

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Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2014 00:43:42 UTC