Re: Decidability / computability of HTML validation

Andreas Kuckartz:
> I have been informed about a discussion regarding the decidability of
> HTML validation:
> Has decidability been discussed here before? Has it been proven?

I restrict my question to the case when no scripts are run because I
found this:
Conformance checkers must check that the input document conforms when
parsed without a browsing context (meaning that no scripts are run, and
that the parser's scripting flag is disabled), and should also check
that the input document conforms when parsed with a browsing context in
which scripts execute, and that the scripts never cause non-conforming
states to occur other than transiently during script execution itself.
(This is only a "SHOULD" and not a "MUST" requirement because it has
been proven to be impossible. [COMPUTABLE])

BTW: There also exists an old issue regarding the formulation "SHOULD
... because it has been proven to be impossible" which has been resolved
by Ian Hickson as "WONTFIX":


Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 09:24:21 UTC