Mapping Ogg role to HTML5 TextTrack.kind

I'm trying to implement the TextTrack.kind in GStreamer for Ogg files.
According to the spec:

> For Ogg files, the Role header field of the track gives the relevant
> metadata.

For the most part, the mapping is obvious ("text/caption" -> "captions",
"video/sign" -> "sign", etc.), but there are a couple which I think we
should be more specific about:

      * What is the kind for "text/tickertext", "text/karaoke",
        "text/linguistic", and "text/lyrics"? I'm thinking "subtitles",
        since we want them to be renderable.
      * What should we do for "text/*" not in the official Role header
        list? I'd say "metadata".
      * What about "audio/music", "audio/speech", "audio/ssfx", and
        "audio/*" and "video/*" not in the list? Probably empty string?

We may also want to specifically say that "audio/dub" -> "translation",
"text/textaudiodesc" -> "descriptions", and "audio/audioesc" ->
"descriptions", since they map nicely, but aren't exactly the same like
all of the others.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
I'm trying to implement the TextTrack.kind in GStreamer for Ogg files. According to <A HREF="">the spec</A>:<BR>
    For Ogg files, the Role header field of the track gives the relevant metadata.<BR>
For the most part, the mapping is obvious (&quot;text/caption&quot; -&gt; &quot;captions&quot;, &quot;video/sign&quot; -&gt; &quot;sign&quot;, etc.), but there are a couple which I think we should be more specific about:
    <LI>What is the kind for &quot;text/tickertext&quot;, &quot;text/karaoke&quot;, &quot;text/linguistic&quot;, and &quot;text/lyrics&quot;? I'm thinking &quot;subtitles&quot;, since we want them to be renderable.
    <LI>What should we do for &quot;text/*&quot; not in <A HREF="">the official Role header list</A>? I'd say &quot;metadata&quot;.
    <LI>What about &quot;audio/music&quot;, &quot;audio/speech&quot;, &quot;audio/ssfx&quot;, and &quot;audio/*&quot; and &quot;video/*&quot; not in the list? Probably empty string?
We may also want to specifically say that &quot;audio/dub&quot; -&gt; &quot;translation&quot;, &quot;text/textaudiodesc&quot; -&gt; &quot;descriptions&quot;, and &quot;audio/audioesc&quot; -&gt; &quot;descriptions&quot;, since they map nicely, but aren't exactly the same like all of the others.


Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 20:18:32 UTC