Re: Making all elements and attributes that contain hyphens valid

Steve Faulkner <>, 2013-10-16 08:11 +0100:

> On 16 October 2013 07:28, Michael[tm] Smith <> wrote:
> > A library is by definition non-private. I don't see a gray area there.
> > data-* isn't intended for use in libraries. I think there's nothing wrong
> > with a library minting attribute names as long as there's good
> > documentation about what the attributes are and how to use them.
> >
> > But my point is, that's not what data-* is for. If libraries are
> > minting attributes that they intend for non-private use, they shouldn't
> > be using data-* for that. And whatever might motivate them to use
> > data-*, we should fix that so that they aren't inclined to do that.
> hey mike,
> so is the use of data- in the G+ button public or private?
> <!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render. -->
> <div class="g-plusone" data-annotation="inline" data-width="300"></div>

Well, after going back and actually reading the spec, I see I pretty much
was wrong about what the spec says. The spec says this:

"JavaScript libraries may use the custom data attributes, as they are
considered to be part of the page on which they are used. Authors of
libraries that are reused by many authors are encouraged to include their
name in the attribute names, to reduce the risk of clashes.

"For example, a library called "DoQuery" could use attribute names like
data-doquery-range, and a library called "jJo" could use attributes names
like data- -range. The jJo library could also provide an API to set which
prefix to use (e.g. J.setDataPrefix('j2'), making the attributes have names
like data-j2-range)."

So, what Silvia was describing and what you're describing above are not
abuses of data-* as far the spec is concerned.

But the problem I have with encouraging those kind of uses is that we can't
provide authors with any validation of the microsyntax/datatypes of the
values of custom data-* attributes.

For example, in the case of the Google Plus button markup, I see from
reading their documentation[*] that there are a discrete set of values
("none", "bubble", and "inline") that the data-annotation attribute is
expected to have, and a specific datatype (integer) that the data-width
attribute is expected to be.


So with the current semantics that the spec gives for data-* attributes we
couldn't really ever provide a way to check and warn an author about an
error like data-annotation="bubbel" or width="20%" -- any more than we
could/should provide a way, say, to check values of the class attribute.
What I mean is, per the HTML spec, there are no invalid values for data-*
attributes, any more than there are invalid values for the class attribute.

I'd argue that in order to do the right thing for authors, we should keep
it that way, and not have libraries and services like Google Plus relying
on content to use data-* values with particular datatypes.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 08:16:44 UTC