Re: Making all elements and attributes that contain hyphens valid

Silvia Pfeiffer <>, 2013-10-16 10:07 +1100:

> We're currently building a library that introduces new attributes to
> make video elements work more easily with WebRTC. What should we call
> our attributes?

Based on your description I'd suggest you probably should just give them
good, specific, unprefixed names. But from just that description, it's hard
to tell. I think it'd depend on whether you actually need for browsers to
do something with them, and whether you'd also need to add the attributes
to the MediaElement interface or whatever.

> It doesn't seem like something that would be standardised any time soon.

But if you want them to actually be useful for making video element work
more easily with WebRTC, it seems likely you're planning for browsers to do
something with them, and you'd want browsers to do that thing interoperably
and so you'd want it to be standardized somewhere.

> It would be good to not just use data-* attributes because there could be
> collisions.

And also because data-* is not intended for the case you're describing.

> Should we sub-namespace it? data-rtc-* just to get not invalid attribute
> messages?

I think if people started piggybacking off data-* for non-private stuff
like this just to not get error messages from the validator, I'd be tempted
to have us just start making the validator emit warnings for data-*
attributes that have multiple hyphens in them, or something -- to discourage
that kind of abuse of data-*.

> Or should we do what angular did?

It seems to me that what angular does makes a lot of sense for attribute
names in a library that aren't meant to ever be supported natively in
browsers. It makes a lot less sense for any attribute names that you want
to ever have browsers implement support for directly.


> This is without even looking at Web Components.
> Silvia.
> [with web app dev hat on]

Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 04:29:32 UTC