Re: What is the correct character encoding for

> HTTP/1.1 is outdated in matters like this. It sets ISO-8859-1 as the
> default encoding for all subtypes of the "text" type, but what browsers
> actually do for "text/html" is more or less what HTML5 CR describes at
> And it is natural to assume that they behave similarly, to the extent
> possible, for "text/plain". My browsers seem to end up with using
> windows-1252, the same as they default for "text/html".

Thanks to your reply, I have found my misunderstanding of my browser's
behavior. The browser decode the document in EUC-KR I have chosen as an
default character encoding in the browser preferences, not ISO-8859-1.

> So the HTTP headers should really be fixed to specify

I really hope so.

Thanks for your very detailed explanation!

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2013 14:19:52 UTC