Re: make links within an iframe replace the parent document

The seamless attribute was indeed created for this use case. It states:
"...seamless mode ...  will cause links to open in the parent browsing
context ..."

To avoid XSS issues, same-origin rules apply, so look at the details

There is some help for using seamless or seamless replacements at


On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Constantine A. Murenin
<> wrote:
> OK, from the complete and utter silence, I gather there must be
> absolutely no way to do this!  Is that indeed so?  Could someone
> please comment?  Is there at least any JavaScript one-liner that could
> address the situation, or is no such thing possible, due to the
> same-origin rules?
> C.
> On 17 May 2013 09:08, Constantine A. Murenin <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm designing a deterministic URL shortener system in nginx, now using
>> HTML5 and iframes, and I got stuck with not being able to specify that
>> all links within the iframe on my site, have to be opened up replacing
>> my site.  (Obviously with the domain of the problem -- URL shortening
>> -- I generally have no control over the URLs that are loaded within
>> the iframe.)
>> I've tried using <base target="_top">, and also a target="_parent" on
>> the iframe (which is not legal in HTML5, BTW), but to no avail.
>> I'd very much prefer not to use JavaScript (and even then, it's not
>> clear whether the same origin policies would even let me to), and I'd
>> also very much prefer not to confuse my users of where they are by
>> needlessly and endlessly squatting on the Location Bar.
>> What are my options?  Does HTML5 not supports any such flows?  I've
>> noticed there's a new `seamless` attribute, but, apart from still
>> being unsupported by many browsers, it seems to have some restrictions
>> in regards to same-origin, plus it's an all-or-nothing solution, and
>> I'm looking for something in the middle -- the iframe occupying most
>> of the screen (indeed in a seamless way, already possible through
>> CSS), plus links opening up such that they replace the parent
>> document.  Why HTML5 goes all or nothing instead?
>> On SO:
>> Best regards,
>> Constantine.

Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 21:53:43 UTC