Re: The non-polyglot elephant in the room

On 21.1.2013 10:46, Henri Sivonen wrote:

> Having people bother the developers of these products with bug reports
> that the products are somehow wrong when the products say they produce
> XHTML and the output works as application/xhtml+xml but not as
> text/html is exactly the kind of bad effect of the polyglot doc that
> makes me think this group should not have taken polyglot as a work
> item in the first place and should not publish it as a REC now that
> that the Process gives no choice but REC or Note.


> I am opposed to this working group encouraging polyglot markup or
> appearing to encourage polyglot markup, because I don't want to spend
> time at implementing something as useless as polyglot validation and I
> don't want to be explaining to a horde of designers why I don't if
> this polyglot stuff finds its way into an A List Apart article or
> similar. Also, I'd much rather see the development time of authoring
> tools such as BlueGriffon go into providing a better UI for authoring
> HTML instead of chasing polyglot markup.


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail:
       Professional XML consulting and training services
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 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 rep.
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Received on Monday, 21 January 2013 10:34:04 UTC