Re: cue.PauseOnExit needs improvement

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 2:51 AM, GIDEON ISAAC

> Suppose I have a video with several subtitles at various points.  I want
> to give the user the option of pausing at every subtitle.  I thought I
> could use cue.pauseOnExit, but that doesn't accomplish this.  I can make a
> short cue, of maybe half a second, and the subtitle will show at the
> duration of the cue, but then the video stops, and the subtitle
> disappears.  It would be nice if the subtitle could be made to stay at the
> exit and only vanish when the user starts playing the video again.  That
> way, the user can step through the video, from subtitle to subtitle.
> -- Gideon

The end of the subtitle is defined by it disappearing, not by the time
before it disappears. To step through the video subtitle by subtitle, I
suggest stepping from onenter to onenter.

oncuechange, onenter, onexit are the events you're looking for:

Hope this helps.


Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 00:22:08 UTC