Re: Polyglot markup and authors

I had a use case very recently to process an HTML document, which was non
well-formed in XHTML/XML sense so as to be processable with an XML too
chain. It seems, that polyglot markup would have helped me write my

Further to this I feel, assuming an HTML markup (not polyglot markup) is
sent to a browser agent for rendering, if the browser provides a
functionality to convert this received markup to polyglot and allowing the
user to save the converted polyglot markup, then the user can process the
received HTML information with an XML tool chain.

I also feel, that all different document formats (which have originated
from HTML) which are currently supported by web (these formats include
HTML, XHTML and XML for e.g), must have an integration glue so as to be
able to design a union of all such web data formats. It seems to me, that
polyglot markup is one such integration glue.

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:48 AM, Jirka Kosek <> wrote:

> On 28.1.2013 5:43, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
> > Mike: In trying to understand what Henri said about authors, I see that
> > he was afraid that A List Apart would write about polyglot. And clearly
> > many authors read ALA. But I find only 2 references to Appendix C at
> > ALA.[2] Henri seems to forget that it was XHTML 1.0 that spread the
> > message that XHTML syntax is OK in text/html. Hey, uses XHTML
> > syntax all over - to this day.
> Just to add 0.02 to this polyglot discussion. Czech Web developers
> magazine published my article about polyglot 1.5 year ago:
> The conclusion is simple -- except very narrow use-cases usage of
> polyglot doesn't make sense. Follow-up discussion hasn't indicated
> disagreement with this conclusion.
> Personally I don't have preference whether polyglot should or shouldn't
> be REC.
> Leif you seem to put a lot of energy to promoting polyglot. I have seen
> something similar 10 years ago -- a lot of energy was put into promoting
> XHTML -- unfortunately this created many false expectations on the web
> developers side. We shouldn't repeat this mistake again with polyglot.
>                                         Jirka
> --
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Mukul Gandhi

Received on Sunday, 17 February 2013 05:53:01 UTC