Level of interest in "HTML: The Markup Language" and "HTML5: Edition for Web Authors"

Hi all,

over time the HTML WG has accrued a fair number of documents that it 
needs to shepherd. I am wondering if it might make sense to review some 
of those to see if we really need to keep maintaining them ourselves.

Two of those that I had in mind are:

HTML: The Markup Language

HTML5: Edition for Web Authors

Do you or people around you actually use these documents? Note that I'm 
not asking if there's a hypothetical "Jane Web Developer" you haven't 
met who uses them. I'm asking if you use them yourselves, or if you see 
people using them, referring to them, etc. around you.

The idea is not necessarily to lose the content, but quite possibly it 
could be given over to the community running WebPlatform Docs 
(http://www.webplatform.org/). They're doing a great job producing web 
developer documentation and they would be much better placed than we to 
foster such content. If we all agree here that we should focus on specs 
and leave professional quality documentation to professionals of quality 
documentation then I'm happy to coordinate with them in taking either 
one or both of these over.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 11 February 2013 16:58:49 UTC