What is the appropriate rank for the section's nesting level?

Hi all,

Recently I discovered, thanks to Steve, that the HTML outline is fiction,
see this article<http://blog.paciellogroup.com/2013/10/html5-document-outline/>
I used a lot of 'h1' throughout a recently developed site, so this was a
moment to look at my 'outline' again, and use headings of the appropriate
rank for the section’s nesting level.

This is easier said then done, because several question popped up where I
don't have the answer for. Also I question if my "fat footer" approach was
a good choice or that I should <aside> instead.

I put a real page of my website in a image with the questions I have, and
am happy to see what the discussion will bring us. Hope to hear from you.

[image: Inline afbeelding 1]

Kind regards,

Willem-Siebe Spoelstra

Ganeshastraat 67
1363XA Almere
Tel: + 31 6 459 575 83
E-mail: info@spoelstra.ws
KvK-nummer: 55419038

Received on Saturday, 14 December 2013 12:36:55 UTC