What happened?

We are in the year 2014 and there is no clear, simple and intuitive way of centering elements in HTML/CSS.This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. It is unacceptable for users to have to spend hours trying to figure out how to center things. Deprecating tags such as <center> is a mistake. You have deprecated simplicity and ease in favour of complexity and difficulty. You wanted to create something more flexible but ended up causing trouble.
If you, and entire consortium of software engineers can't do it, then I'll do it myself. Things such as centering are fundamental, meaning that they should have been established once and for all, a very, very long time ago, back in the years when HTML existed only in design form.
I also advise you very strongly not to rely on a community of developers, that is a mess. Gather a team of developers that have a talent for simple, clean, minimalist and intuitive design; this is the future.
What's more, your organization is too large and its structure grew to something like a small society. I suggest you rework the structure of your organization and make it small and simple, complexity only slows and complicates matters. It renders work inefficient and acts like a barrier to progress; most of the work becomes bureaucratic in nature. At this rate, if you do not follow this suggestion, you'll eventually have to create a policing department who's job is to oversee adherence to bureaucracy. Your work seems to have shifted from developing HTML/CSS to trying to be organized. There is a compromise between organizational level and productivity.
Finally I suggest you adopt a philosophy of taking the time to do things right, and do them right the first time. Go back to the drawing board, and design from scratch if you need to; make sure you address this any and all fundamentals, incarnating them into something simple and intuitive, once and forever. When designing a language, always design it in a way that would simplify and facilitate the work of a programmer. Intuitive design wins everyone over. The rule of thumb is that if a programmer needs to spend more than 5 minutes figuring out how to do something, particularly something fundamental, then there's problem.
Thank you,- Mark


Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 09:04:20 UTC