RE: Proposed adaptive image element

> Paul, Sam, and Maciej, should Mathew file a bug according to the HTML Working Group Decision Policy to get his proposal in the WG system ASAP?

The Chairs will discuss the processing of this request on Monday at our regular weekly Chairs meeting.  Personally I believe this proposal should be dealt with in the same way as the WG is processing the Encrypted Media and Media Services proposals ie as items that will be done separately from the current HTML5 specification(s).  But eventually it will be the HTML WG that will make this decision.

I note as well that the WG is about to discuss a revised charter and I believe that the processing of this proposal can be discussed as part of that discussion.

HTML WG co-chair

Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Carlson [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 4:17 PM
To: Mathew Marquis
Cc: Paul Cotton;;;; Ian Jacobs; HTML Accessibility Task Force; Judy Brewer; Janina Sajka
Subject: Re: Proposed adaptive image element

Hi Mathew,

I am happy to see your proposal reach the HTML working group. Thank you for all of your hard work on it.

Paul, Sam, and Maciej, should Mathew file a bug according to the HTML Working Group Decision Policy to get his proposal in the WG system ASAP?

Mathew the Decision Policy is at:

It would be great to get an adaptive image element in HTML5. I've copied the accessibility task force on this message for their info and input. Judy, you may want to consider putting this on one of our accessibility text team agendas.

Best Regards,

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Mathew Marquis <> wrote:
> Chairs and members of the HTML WG,
> I’ve posted a proposal for an adaptive image element to a W3C wiki here:

> I’ve also summed-up some of the background and reasoning behind this 
> proposal in a post on the RICG, which may be well worth a read:

> It’s heartening to see the rapid action being taken by the W3C. Please 
> don’t hesitate to let me know if anyone should have questions, 
> comments, or concerns — I’m more than happy to discuss things further.
> Thank you for your consideration,
> Mat Marquis
> Chair, Responsive Images Community Group

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Saturday, 23 June 2012 21:09:07 UTC