Re: Proposed adaptive image element

David Carlisle, Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:12:26 +0100:
> On 25/07/2012 13:45, Laura Carlson wrote:
>> It would be good to get other opinions. Should specification of
>> adaptive images be postponed? What do working group members think are
>> the pros and cons of postponing?
> HTML5 makes a lot of sense as a stable, edited version of HTML,
> that people and HTML generators can target.
> But as such, it should be a _subset_ of the facilities implemented in
> browsers. Editorial work on HTML5 should be restricted to clarifying and
> formalising the moving target which is that WhatWG spec and actual
> implementation coverage.
> So given the model of a continuous development happening at WhatWG

What you say here is not without links to reality. However, I think you 
make up the bill without the hosts. E.g. the WhatWg offer their own 
"web developers' edition" of HTML5 - which supposedly is "for people", 
as you say. Even HTML5 itself, as produced by W3, comes in two 
editions. I also don't think there is consensus that creativity should 
only happen within the WHATwg space. So while individuals within each 
group might agree with you, I don't think that whether the WHATWG or 
the HTMLwg subscribe to the model you present.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Thursday, 26 July 2012 17:43:46 UTC