RE: ISSUE-204, ISSUE-30 and ISSUE-203 processing order

Paul Cotton wrote:
> The WG Chairs have decided that we will process the following
> three issues in the following order:
> a) ISSUE-204: aria-hidden
> b) ISSUE-30: longdesc
h> ttp:// 
> c) ISSUE-203: media-descriptions
> To be clear this means we will process ISSUE-204 first, then
> ISSUE-30 and then ISSUE-203.  After processing one issue we will
> then determine the possible impact on the change proposals for
> the remaining issues.
> Please let us know if you have any objections to this plan.

Thank you for this Paul. 

Have the Chairs also identified a time-line to attach to this processing
order? As all three identified Issues are now closed, and with various
Change Proposals in place already, I would presume that there should not be
much of a delay in starting this process, or delays between Issue processing

An approximate time-line and dates would be helpful and appreciated by many
in the Working Group.

Thanks in advance.


Received on Tuesday, 17 July 2012 21:54:23 UTC