Re: why AIRA need to see the hidden element?

Sunyang (Eric), Fri, 13 Jul 2012 08:31:17 +0000:

> So why we would like ARIA see the hidden element?

From ARIA's section on alternative text computation: [1]

   Skip hidden elements unless the author specifies to use them via an 
aria-labelledby or aria-describedby being used in the current 
computation. By default, users of assistive technologies won't receive 
the hidden information, but an author will be able to explicitly 
override that and include the hidden text alternative as part of the 
label string sent to the accessibility API.

Perhaps this example gives you a hint about what the above means:

    _    ____ __  __ _____   ___            
   / \  / ___|  \/  | ____| |_ _|_ __   ___ 
  / _ \| |   | |\/| |  _|    | || '_ \ / __|
 / ___ \ |___| |  | | |___   | || | | | (__ 
/_/   \_\____|_|  |_|_____| |___|_| |_|\___|
<span id="alt-text" hidden >ACME Inc</span>

Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Friday, 13 July 2012 09:06:41 UTC