Re: Revert Request

On 1/30/12 8:47 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> So what is the most intuitive way to add a hidden
> description/summary/label? I would think "create a
> description/summary/label and then make it hidden".
> I.e. you'd write markup like:
> <label for=myinput>Label here</label><input id=myinput>
> and then hide the stuff that you want to only expose to AT:
> <label hidden for=myinput>Label here</label><input id=myinput>
> Similarly:
> <table aria-describedby="desc">...</table>
> <div hidden id=desc>Description here</div>

While I disagree with this method, I want to point out one little irking 
unresolved issue.
<input type="file" hidden> is becoming a real thing.

I don't think it's a big issue, but since a11y peoples are on this 
thread, I do want to point it out.
This is how I'd handle it, in my current code.

<button onclick="" role="file button">Add files</button>
<input type="file" id="file" hidden />


Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 22:29:34 UTC