Re: ISSUE-195: form-http-req - Chairs Solicit Proposals

On 26/01/2012, at 7:03 PM, Cameron Heavon-Jones wrote:

> On 18/01/2012, at 4:30 PM, Cameron Heavon-Jones wrote:
>> On 16/01/2012, at 10:24 PM, Paul Cotton wrote:
>>> 'Enhance http request generation from forms'
>>> Per the HTML WG Decision Policy, at this time the chairs would like to solicit volunteers to write Change Proposals for ISSUE-195:
>>> If no Change Proposals are written by February 15th, 2012, this issue will be closed without prejudice.
>>> Issue status link:
>> I will write and submit a proposal to be considered for resolving this issue by means of enhancement over the current specification.
>> Thanks,
>> Cameron Jones
> Hello Chairs,
> I'd like to request that due to significant scope of this issue, and with the desire to progress the issue as fast as possible, that the details of the proposal be given in high-level prose within the initial offering.
> It is my intention that after review and feedback exact changes can be derived, however i have the expectation that feedback alone will be significant and the amount of work required to deliver a specification change initially would exceed the allotted timeframe and would probably incur a degree of wasted effort.
> I believe the issue would be better addressed through eliciting feedback earlier in the process albeit in higher form.
> Thanks,
> Cameron Jones

Request withdrawn. 

I'll provide details within the format of a set of edit instructions, specific enough that they can be applied without ambiguity.

This will provide as close to the exact text specification changes as possible from which the scope of the proposal is limited and can be considered as a complete set of changes.

Cameron Jones

Received on Friday, 27 January 2012 13:28:55 UTC