Re: proposal for ISSUE-191: replace ins and del elements by an attibute-based solution

Le 24/01/12 13:58, Jirka Kosek a écrit :
> On 24.1.2012 9:44, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>> I just pinged Microsoft, Adobe and Apple to participate in this
>> discussion. We're all editor implementors and vendors.
>> Please, can the chairs of this WG do the same and officially ask
>> them to contribute here? Thanks.
> Hi Daniel,
> is the goal of your proposal just to improve unsatisfactory ins/del
> elements or provide complete change tracking solution in HTML markup?

The former. Ins and del were added to html4 and released in a REC in
1997. They were never implemented in a wysiwyg editor because they
raise model issues in HTML. The proposal is to have in HTML a solution
that covers all the cases editors need (including wysiwyg editors)
at the cheapest price.

I agree matching OOXML/ODF features is another story.

It's a compromise here. We can have something that works and offers
the minimal control 95% of people need. I don't suggest diving into
the full complexity of document workflow before achieving that basic


Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 13:50:26 UTC