Re: Encrypting content stored on untrusted CDNs

On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Mark Watson <> wrote:

>> It's when you're trying to prevent the user from getting to the 
>> content that it stops making any kind of sense.
> Yes, I understand this does not make any sense to you. But it does to others. It's a pre-requisite for services like Netflix to use HTML5 instead of plugins. This list is not the place to argue the ethics of that. W3C needs to decide whether to work on making that a possibility, or whether HTML5 is simply not going to be a suitable technology for our segment of the industry, which would be a shame.
> ...Mark

Dramatic a little there, Mark.

$20k of work on WebKit would get you what you want. And you don't even have to spend it-- looks like there's enough industry support that someone else will.

WebKit prefixed attributes and APIs are very common.

The only real battle here is whether you can get Firefox onboard (Robert and Boris).


Received on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 01:42:13 UTC