Re: why are we pursuing this idea? (was: Implementation Details request on Issue 204 Decision)

Steve Faulkner, Tue, 21 Aug 2012 22:40:22 +0100:
>> Given that Steve’s focus on A11Y APIs, then I don't understand that he
>> mention this statement by NVDA developer James Teh.
> if you read back in the thread you will see it was in response to
> chaals asking me for a reference to my previous statement:
> "I also think that some AT will simply not implement the rich hidden
> content model as described, The NVDA developers have not implemented
> longdesc due to it having no visible UI (for example)."
> in other words it doesn't help to have stuff exposed by browsers if AT
> don't make use of it.

Sorry. My point was only that Firefox implements @longdesc. And thus, 
that NVDA doesn't implement it because Firefox does not implement it, 
makes little sense to me. Unless NVDA relies on 'visible UI' rather 
than accessibility API, that is.
leif halvard silli

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 22:24:36 UTC