Re: Other problems, @hidden (ISSUE-204 aria-hidden)

Steve Faulkner, Wed, 15 Aug 2012 18:25:05 +0100:
> Hi leif, 
> I did not use any AT I was looking at what information is exposed via 
> MSAA/IA2 in Firefox and MSAA in IE.
> What AT's do is a different matter.
> will investigate further when I have time.

OK. Hope you publish those exact data somewhere soon ...

Did you also check what happens with nested hidden/aria-hidden=true? I 
mean: Is one supposed to look inside a hidden/aria-hidden area an 
discover another hidden inside there? Or, is it so that when the outer 
hidden is "flattened", that all the nested hiddens/aria-hiddens are 
flattened to?


<div hidden id="longdesc">It sees this. <p hidden> But not this?</div>
leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 23:10:26 UTC