Re: FORMAL OBJECTION (was RE: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-204 aria-hidden)

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Janina Sajka <> wrote:
> But, Maciej, there's no AT involved. There's simply the same video
> display the mouse user sees. However, the content is not displayed,
> because it's hidden. So, where's the cursor when this keyboard using
> user navigates into the hidden content?

Simply put, when content focus moves into the initially hidden
content, something needs to render the structure, content, and
functionality of that content visually. That something might be a
browser, it might be a screen reader, it might be any user agent. Once
rendered visually, focus within the content can be indicated visually.
The proposed spec text allows this.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 19:28:51 UTC