Re: noted 3 issues re: time/data (was Re: minutes for HTML WG f2f, 2011-11-04, part 1)

2011/11/17 Marat Tanalin | <>:
> 14.11.2011, 21:33, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>:
>>  2011/11/14 Marat Tanalin | <>:
>>>   14.11.2011, 19:38, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>:
>>>>>    If to consider syntax with 'itempropvalue' attribute (as I've mentioned earlier and in the bug 14679 comment 3):
>>>>>    <span itemprop="foo" itempropvalue="bar" itemscope>
>>>>>    or CSS-like one I've proposed later:
>>>>>    <span itemprop="foo: bar" itemscope>
>>>>>    then 'bar' is obviously value of this span as property.
>>>>   That doesn't seem obvious to me.
>>>   What exactly is unobvious for you? (What exact of the two syntaxes, what exactly in each of them.)
>>  In the former example, that @itempropvalue wins over @itemscope in
>>  determining the value of the <span>.  There's no clear reason that one
>>  should win over the other, so it will end up confusing people.
> How @itempropvalue could interfere with @itemscope if they are related to _different_ levels/itemscopes according to your example with 'review'/'location'/'geo'/'lat'/'long'?
> We have property (@itemprop) 'foo' with value 'bar' (@itempropvalue). Also we have nested itemscope with its own @itemprops/@itepropvalues exposed via _child_ elements (not shown in our examples) of itemscope element. Where is the confusion here?

Hm, you don't seem to understand my response.  A Microdata property
can have *another Microdata item* as its value.  For example, a
"review" microdata vocab that uses a "geo" vocab for its location
property.  That's indicated by putting @itemprop and @itemscope on the
same element.  The rest of your response relies somewhat on this
misunderstanding, so I won't try to respond to it.


Received on Thursday, 17 November 2011 18:16:28 UTC